Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hello??? Anybody home???
Oh, wait, I am knocking on my own door....Yes! I AM home. For now.
Seems as though I may have gotten myself a place back into the real world...the real 8-5 m-f world. Guess I have been busy polishing up the resume, writing cover letters and licking envelopes....and it WORKED!!! Even with a 2.5 year "real world" and I don't mean MTV Real World, gap...I am excited.

Other than that, the deer ate my crocus. The ones that had just come up out of the ice. The ones that were JUST about to bloom. Yeah. Those. I am so bitter I am not taking a picture. The only reason I am not sitting outside with Duane's shotgun is the deer are starving and it is not deer season. Oh, and yeah, I have no idea how to load, let alone shoot a gun. So, they are safe. But I DO Have my secret weapon....


Christine said...

sorry about the crocus....bummer...but great news about your new job!! congrats! Was in napa valley today and there were tons of flowers out here....send the deer out here! LOL

BetteJo said...

I didn't know you DIDN'T have a job! Are you sure it's congratulations to get yourself caught in the weekly grind like the rest of us sheep? Sigh-h-h. Okay, if it makes you happy then it's a good thing!