Sunday, July 1, 2007

Green Thumb Sunday

Join Green Thumb Sunday

A little ego boosting...

We live on a dirt road. A dead end dirt road that ends at the lake, where the rich folk live. so, really, the only people who ever drive by here are either The Lake Folk or The Lost Folk trying to get to the lake. What that means, is that my garden and plants are really not seen by very many people, so imagine my surprise yesterday, when I saw this little old lady drive by the end of my driveway, not once but 4 times...We waved at her, and then she drove up my driveway, which is pretty long, and asked if she could take pictures of my day lilies for her local garden club!! :)

So, in honor of the little old lady here is a picture of the first of the season day lily bloom. It really made all my hard work worth it to have a complete stranger appreciate all that I have done...

In Vegetable world news....

We have baby Zukes!!!!


Do you like Zucchini???

Check out the item of the week too!!!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful liles and I love zucchinis especially cut length ways and coated in butter and fried on the barbie!
Sara from farmingfriends

Laurie and Chris said...

Great picure of the Lily. Glad to hear the story about the "little old lady". We love zucchini. Have a Great Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the admiration and encouragement! That is a nice story.

Mark said...

Little old ladies,what would we do without them. I gather Zucchinis are something of an issue out there!!!

Jean said...

Great photo! Love zucchini! Maybe you need to join the garden club!