Thursday, November 22, 2007

Let's Play a Game!

Todays game is titled:

What kind of print IS that???? So, the rule is simple, try and figure out what type of paw print is in the picture below.

If you are having trouble here is a hint

I wonder if our new neighbor left his garbage out last night...if he did he is waking up to a holy mess, because these prints....they came from his direction.


BetteJo said...

Okay, must be a raccoon, but I'm wondering what looks like an extra toe in the front there!

Anonymous said...

Is it a bear?
Sara from farmingfriends

Jessica said...

Sara, yes it is a bear print, I was thinking after, I needed something for scale...

Jessica said...

I am not sure what the little prints are, but they are the size of a cat print...the big print was the bear.

Mark said...

Does it have anything to do with topless tribal women...

Cheers Mark